Tuesday, December 4, 2007


on youtube i go by Sylvanus93.. this apparently is what Lord Archaeus thinks of me

archaeushadow December 04, 2007 sylvanus93 or should I say "saliva anus" of all the fowl queer beings which stalk the earth in search of child flesh for your own perversity you are truly the most vile disgusting piece of pathetic animated pig waste ever to be conceived by any demon whore. Your eyes are like two bung holes extruding diarrhea while your mouth is a constant cesspool strewn with maggots that are cleaner to the touch than you'll ever be. Your the lap dog of the Frosts who themselves grow sick from the stench and decay of your mere presence you pedophilic self obsessed shit licker! Your destiny is one involving slow and excruciating impalement upon a blunt pole intricately studded with small razor sharp nails smeared in human excrement to be ever so slowly inserted through your anus in such a fashion that even Dracula himself would have pre ejaculated with glee.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Today is Halloween

Today is Halloween, lots going on.Partys , trick or treaters..The whole gambit of activities will be going on. But for Witches, Druids, and other folks of the pagan persuasion its a time to reflect. To divine the future , to see where we will be heading and how we will get there. It seems this year there has been alot of turmoil in and out of Pagan circles. And you know at first i thought that was bad.. But without strife , how does one learn to move forward.I see alot of injustices swirling in our Pagan communitys,and i ask myself is it worth it..And i keep coming back to the conclusion.. YES it is. Those who would tear apart what many have taken countless years to build cannot be allowed to do so. Why you ask, because simply i refuse to see what many have worked so hard for get pissed down the drain because someone wants to get famous. Many Speak of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.. yet i dont see it like i used to.What happened to magickal ethics, dont see that to much anymore either.Is this something that needs to return to Pagan practices.. HELL YES.
So what does this New Year hold for you.. Will you be content to sit back on the sidelines and watch our communitys be destroyed by the AJ DREWS of America, or will you fight for what you know deep down is right and just for our communitys as a whole. I know ill not sit idly by.I want the word COMMUNITY to have meaning. I want to see cooperation amongst ALL of us who follow the Old Ways.. Is it a pipe dream, no its not its a goal that one day soon we may actually achieve. So enjoy the night, all the trick or treaters , the jack o lanterns and all that goes with Halloween, but just remember. Tomorrow is a new day.. What will you do with it..?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Is AJ DREW a Pagan Hitler

Well hes gone and done what he said he would do. Author Aj Drew at his Real Witches Ball in Columbus Ohio Brought out Effigys of Gavin and Yvonne Frost. You know Aj Drew has gone to the most VILE extremes in his campaign to discredit and Malign Gavin and Yvonne Frost as Pedophiles and child molestors. In his zeal he has basically intone that HE is the saviour of Pagans and little children everywhere. He has done his best to cause division within the Pagan community. He seeks to oust those who do not tow his PARTY LINE of what Paganism should be .Kinda reminds me of this Guy

You remember Hitler that most vile of men who killed millions of Jews, because they did not fit his vision of what the world should be. Well AJ DREW is the NEW PAGAN HITLER. He accuses people of pedophilia without proof . All he has is a BOOK written by Gavin Frost. Now with Hitler he backed his atrocitys up with action.Altho Mein Kampf was more than enough to incriminate Hitler as the fiend he really was

Now we cant let the Drewbies off the hook either. Those mindless sheep who agree with DREW just because, Well Drew wouldnt lie Right.. So they continue in Lock step Right behind Drew. Just Like these guys

Kinda harsh for my comparisons you say.. I really dont think so.. Drew shows all the earmarks.. Charismatic mad man.. Obsession with Pedophilia , loves dissent and division among people. Not caring who or what he hurts in the Process. You the Only Difference between Aj Drew and Hitler

HITLER commited SUICIDE in his bunker.. With AJ DREW we can only hope

Saturday, October 27, 2007

This is some of THE MOST disgusting images i have ever seen from so called PAGANS

This is outrageous these are some of the sickest fucking people. I curse them for doing this. They are happy to be a part of something so utterly evil.These are the people hiding among you the so called Leaders and spiritually enlightened of modern paganism. They are barbaric . AJ DREW there demonic leader doesnt give a rats ass about them..only as long as they follow, THIS MAN MUST BE STOPPED. i cannot believe this.

Friday, October 26, 2007

AJ DREW sick son of a bitch

This guy has no sense of decency.. i say FUCK YOU ..AJ DREW

My Video Response to Archaeus and Aj Drew on Youtube

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA0Z_nOO6wE Ok so here it is my Response to Aj Drew and Shamanshadow also known as Archaeus

Friday, October 19, 2007

Bubblegum man Crys on Youtube

now everyones attacking Little Archaeus

According to Aj im causing infighting with Defrosters

WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT.. according to Aj im causing various Youtubers to fight amongst themselves.. Mainly MOLESTED MAN .. lord archaeus.. and a video poster named BLUE FIRE WITCH..WTF
October 18, 2007
…up their stupid child molesting asses
“Fuck Gavin and Yvonne Frost up their stupid child molesting asses”
Ok, I didn’t quote that perfectly. Blue Flame is so fast in saying it that I have trouble remembering the exact quote long enough to type it. But it is mighty close. So do I have your attention? I thought so. I gotta love this woman for her spirit and biker class. But I have to start the story with why she created this video. It is in response to a man named Shadow Shaman.
Hey, Shadow Shaman, love the hair you sexy beast. You are right, the Frosts wrote some very homophobic material. I think you quoted the mildest of their material.
Deceptions of Wicca
Now I know some people are going to jump me on this, but Shadow Shaman has some truly good points. The thing is, he should remove the word Wicca and insert “Corporate American Book Sellers promotion of Wicca”. This is where we find most of the lies the man refers to. Not in the religion itself, but in the marketing of the religion for profit.
Wicca is a postmodern religion, which is loosely based on some ancient principles. It is not, as many books demand, an ancient religion. I am reminded of a book published by Llewellyn Worldwide called The Truth about Neopaganism. According to the book, Neopagans have been persecuted for 6 thousand years. I think it was six, maybe five. Uh, neo? Even if they had said pagan instead of neopagan, I have to wonder who was persecuting pagans before the birth of Christianity or Islam. Other pagans?
There really is a lot of BS out there about Wicca and I can certainly see how Shadow Shaman could hold the opinion he has. After all, if you change the term as I mentioned, I kind of agree with a lot of what he has said. The thing is, there is another side to Wicca. One that doesn’t appear in print. There are good people who bought into Corporate America’s Teen Witch kits and other trappings. People who came to the religion due to its fad attraction and stayed, evolving the slim offerings of Corporate America into something truly beautiful.
He later released two videos on the subject of Gavin and Yvonne Frost’s Good Witches Bible.
Good Witch’s Bible Part I
Good Witch’s Bible Part II
Note that in the beginning of Part II, he says Wicca but then corrects himself and says the Frost’s version of Wicca. In part II, he reads about the Frosts changing their mind about Wicca not condoning homosexuality. I find the Frosts reasoning hilarious because they claim they said such because they did not understand how homosexuality could raise energy for magickal purposes. Uh, lets pretend only male female coitus could raise energy for just a moment, why would Wicca not “condone” an act of love?
It is also interesting to note that their back peddling on the issue of pedophilia was to stand behind what they said, but add that you shouldn’t do it formally because you might get sued. Wow. Shadow Shaman has a lot to be angry about.
The thing is, he takes his anger out on Wicca rather than on the Frosts. He is quick to point out that the Frosts are part of Wiccan history and there is nothing anyone can do about that. He is right. There is nothing we can do about the Frosts being part of our history. In fact, that is exactly where I would like them to be, in our history. More sweepingly, they are part of neopagan history and there is nothing we can do about that.
As I understand Shadow Shaman’s stance, he is not Wiccan or part of the neo-pagan community. He is a Witch from a tradition that predates the Wicca and neopagan fad. So his videos have been seen by many as attacking Wicca and the neopagan movement in general. Here is the thing, if you are pagan but not neopagan then you have a whole lot more to be ashamed of than the writings of the Frosts. Compared to today’s standards of social, moral, and ethical conduct; some of the actions of the ancient pagans were disguesting.
So why then are the Frosts such an issue? Well, because they are not part of our past. They are part of our here and now. They are defended and promoted by some of today’s leading authors. Did Raven Gramasi say a thing about what they did in his book The Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft? No. Did Llewellyn Worldwide say a thing in that book? No. Later, Raven Grimasi said that he didn’t write the section on the Frosts, the Frosts wrote it. These are our leaders folk. They claim it is not their fault, someone else must have been on guard that night.
We call them the Old Guard. Well, what the hell are they guarding? Certianly not our reputations. I shouldn’t pick on Raven Grimasi. You see the truth is his actions and conducts are loosely equivalent to just about all of the Old Guard. I shouldn’t pick on Llewellyn Worldwide. Their actions are loosely equivalent to just about all publishers. Business as usual. Don’t make waves. What is the result of that policy? Well, the above referenced videos are the result.
Yes, the Frosts wrote the content of Raven Grimassi’s book which describes the Frosts but does the average person realize that? No. The average person reads that the Frosts are the founders of Wicca and they believe it, after all there it is in a book published by Llewellyn Worldwide, the publisher of books by such folk as Raymond Buckland and Scott Cunningham. So is it really fair to think that folk like Shadow Shaman are the problem in this latest Witch War? They read the books that Neopagan authors and publishers put out and they believe what those books say.
Yes, I did say the latest Witch War. And now I am going to brag. Over at Youtube.com we have Shadow Shaman putting out videos that indicate all Wiccans feel a certain way. He quotes Gavin and Yvonne Frost and references other authors to provide evidence that his view of Wicca and Neopaganism is correct. A woman named Blue Flame Witch blasts back with her own videos.
Blue Flame Witch Part I
Her stance is that Shadow Shaman is judging all Wiccans by the actions of a few. I agree. Shadow Shaman should not conduct himself this way. There are certainly great folk in the Wiccan community and if you condemn us all, well you are missing out on the few who really do shine.
I want to bring to my readers attention Blue Flame’s video because at the end, she demands that not all Wiccans believe the lies being spread by Gavin and Yvonne Frost. She blurts out my name as an example. I am humbled. Seriously, that really blew my mind. To be quoted so firmly as someone who is standing up for another person’s beliefs is a very unusual experience for me. But I have to complain about something. Why am I the only author or other outspoken person who came to her mind? Considering what the Frosts wrote and what they continue to promote, why aren’t more Wiccan authors coming out and screaming from the top of their lungs that THIS IS NOT WICCA! Why is it business as usual?
Blue Flame Witch Part II
“Fuck Gavin and Yvonne Frost”
Again, I adore the spirit, spunk, and biker class of this young lady. But I have to ask a question that I would like both sides of the debate to answer. Not just Blue Flame and Shadow Shaman, but those who agree with Blue Flame or Shadow Shaman. One question.
Is what Gavin and Yvonne Frost wrote wrong?
If either side believes it is wrong, truly wrong, then why aren’t more people saying it is wrong? Seriously guys. I know where Shadow Shaman is coming from. I was raised on material by Herman Slater and Dr. Leo Martello. Authors I am willing to bet Shadow Shaman enjoys reading. I know that folk like Herman Slater and Dr. Leo Martello openly stood against the Frosts book. But what of today’s authors, not just Wiccan authors. Any pagan authors. Any neopagan authors.
Shadow Shaman, where are the books from your religion, from your leaders, telling folk that children are sacred and examples like the Frosts should not be tolerated?
Blue Flame, where are the books from your religion, from your leaders, telling folk that children are sacred and examples like the Frosts should not be tolerated?
We, as a community larger than just one tradition or religion, have somehow lost our fire. It has been washed away by tolerance. These two obviously agree that what the Frosts wrote was just plain wrong. If they could come together and make a cooperative video denouncing the Frosts, wow that would be something.
Ah, and you thought I would end there. Want to see an example of how the Frost supporters work? Well, those of you who have followed his threats here and his rantings on the Frost’s blog will recognize the name Shadowhawk. Well, over at Youtube.com he goes by the name Sylvanus93.
In response to the first video posted by Blue Flame, Shadowhawk (aka Sylvanus 93) replies to Blue Flame by saying:
“Just a quick comment Lord Archaeus has continuously attacked Wiccans yet at this Years Finger Lakes Pagan Pride Day in Rochester New York he was guest speaker on PAGAN UNITY.. now he attacks Gavin and Yvonne Frost.. He event left a comment on my Youtube saying that i smell of burning flesh.. This guy is Delusional “
So a tremendous defender of Gavin and Yvonne Frost posted to Blue Flame’s video, material intended to further anger Blue Flame against Shadow Shaman despite the fact that Blue Flame is so clearly a De-Froster in her video.
Could it be that I am right and the Frosted flakes do not want these people to join forces or perhaps they just want to turn De-Frosters on one another?
Let’s just face it, the Frosts are a part of our collective community and until we do something about that, well they are here to stay.
Note: This blog entry was originally two separate entries. I combined them when Aimee pointed out that the videos were referencing each other.
So mote it be,A.J. Drew
Topics: De-Frost - Child Molestion

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Aj Drew pats Archaeus of Shadowlore on the Back

I thought that i was going to just stop posting about Aj Drew,, But i decided against it. I may not post as much as i would on Gavin and Yvonnes blog The Dancing Wiccans. But personally im not one to just let shit drop . I WILL follow this to its conclusion. So Please enjoy the next installment of idiocy from Aj Drew and Lord Archaeus
Wicca - what is in a word?
The Frosts are a part of Wicca, like it or not. I love this guy. He’s big, hairless, bearded, and sexy. Just like me. Seriously, he is great. No, I don’t agree with everything (or anyone else) says but damn it is good to hear someone speaking his mind now a days. Yep, I said hear… see too. Here are some of his blog entries complete with video a la Youtube.com inserts.
The Frosts as teaching Pedophilia
The Frosts as Homophobes
I do not think the Frosts started or invented Wicca. I do not even think they created the first school of Wicca. It seems to me Dr. Buckland studied via a mail order course from Gerald Gardner prior to the Frosts mail order course. I do not even think the Frost’s version of Wicca resembles the rest of the world’s Wicca enough to be rightfully called Wicca. But they do seem to be the first to use the word in their acquiring a tax-exempt status from the IRS.
So the man in this video is right. The Frosts are a part of Wicca. They are part of the history of Wicca. And there is absolutely nothing you or I can do about that. In fact, if someone were to create a White Supremacist tradition of Wicca, there is nothing you or I could do about that. Why? Well, there is no central authority to Wicca.
Some time ago, a crazed homophobe was appointed to the head of Seax Wicca. In Dr. Raymond Buckland’s tradition, that position is not something there is a provision to withdraw. As I understand the events, when Dr. Raymond Buckland was contacted concerning the man he appointed, he agreed that the man was not right for the position, apologized for not being aware of the mans homophobia before appointing him, but added that there was little he could do about it. Instead of doing nothing, Seax Wiccan’s raised a petition and awareness. Essentially, they drove the man from their tradition by making it perfectly clear that the overwhelming majority of Seax Wiccans.
Can that be done to the Frosts? Sure. It cold be done if enough Wiccans rose against them. If virtually the whole of the Wiccan community were to say no, these people are not part of Wicca, then they would effectively not be a part of Wicca. But that would not remove them from the history of Wicca any more than the rise in Seax Wicca removed the homophobic figure head from its history. In fact, as very little has been done in this direction for so many years, the amount of history the Frosts have with the word Wicca is not possible to deny. This has not been some passing fancy. This is author after author publishing book after book which have not only ignored the problem, but which have praised the Frosts.
Example: Despite Raven Grimassi explaining that he did not write the section on the Frosts in his Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft, the book spends a page and a half praising the Frosts and declaring them almost the inventors of Wicca. Was it Raven Grimassi’s fault? I do not think that it matters. Oh sure, that is what is being argued by Raven Grimassi, that he did not write the book he just put his name on it and is thus exempt from blaim. But that is not the point at all. The point is that the book exists, that one of today’s authors, in one of today’s books, appears to have no problem what so ever with what the Frosts have written and instructed, with the fact that they claim those instructions were the very foundation of Wicca.
With Raven Grimassi’s opinion being the predominant opinion among today’s Wiccan authors, perhaps it would be easier to remove ourselves from the word Wicca rather than the Frosts from that word. I am not proposing anyone change their spiritual practices, but maybe it is time Wiccans realize that if there is no central authority to our religion, if there is no definition to the word Wicca, then using that word for the purpose of describing ones self is counter productive.
Oh, you are Wiccan? So did you rape your children?
So mote it be,A.J. Drew
Topics: De-Frost - Child Molestion
3 Responses to “Wicca - what is in a word?”
gina Says: October 18th, 2007 at 8:34 am
I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that they or their words bear no merit or value thus rendering them useless IMO. What does 1 do with useless things???..Toss’em into the trash and FORGET them. One of these days frosts will be a distant nasty memory that was once associated with the name Wicca..If we could get a petition going, I would be the first to sign. The question is how would we go about it? I’m damn sure their minions would not go silently into the night over that..Let’s face it..some of those people are not well in the head, You, yourself had a front row seat to attest to that..Some times to lend our thoughts to negitive things/people will give them energy to grow more….sort of a tulpa in a way..all this energy is adding to the Frosts infamy..How much do you want to bet their books sales have gone up?? not because people want to learn, but because people want to see for themselves the words that the frosts have written concerning the sexual initiation of children as a form of ritual.( sick, I know). As I sit here typing I’m getting a brain storm. unbelievable..how my mind works at times..but I may need you help and advice on this later..if possible..for now work calls..but do you know where I can get a prog that will superimpose a red circle with a line thru it on a picture?..pm me if you do..
gina Says: October 18th, 2007 at 8:37 am
it’s called the universal no sign.. and I found it….
A.J. Drew Says: October 18th, 2007 at 10:55 am
I can do it with drawing / graphic programs that I have, but its not automatic. Not hard, just not automatic. Would be a great program though.
So there ya have it.. more from the Drewbies

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pagan Unity.. Is It Real

I have been thinking about this topic alot. Can todays modern pagans of all traditions truely come together, or will we succumb to all the infighting like those of other more Judeo Christian faiths are currently engaged in. I know that in my own case im not by any means the picture of what constitutes a perfect pagan, but i know my local community, we have our differences and to a degree we try to work thru them. But in other more far flung parts of the country its not like that. People want to make themselves something more than what they really are. And in the process they are dividing many in areas no where near them.
Is this some kind of testing by our chosen gods, could be. Or maybe just insecurity with our standing in the community at large, which causes us to say and do things that directly or indirectly hurt the rest of us. I think its a myriad of things
But in the end i think its up to any or all of us to actually seek understanding instead of promotion of agendas and hatred.Lord Archaeus of Witches of Shadowlore says

Shadowhawk you smell of burning flesh

Yet if one looks at the website for Fingerlakes Pagan Pride,Lord Archaeus led a talk on..PAGAN UNITY.. Its guys like this im refering to.

Will we ever get past all this.. I really hope so

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Aj Drews lies begin to surface

I knew it would be just a matter of time. Aj Drews lies are starting to manifest. In his blog titled.. ADF Iparenting.com and the Frosts.He claims victory by supposedly getting an article written about Bronwyn Frost removed from there website, yet last night i recieve the link to the Full article in all its glory.Some try to say Drew never lied hes just delusional. I say the man is as calculating as any other with a vendetta to stoke.
This makes me wonder what other lies hes told his supporters. By the very act he weakens his argument against the Frosts. I hope they dont continue to follow blindly.You lie about one thing ,makes me think you can lie about anything.
Samhain is coming and i will see the Frosts at our Witches Ball. Its gonna be a great night. Hopefully what Drew has planned doesnt happen
Maybe soon this whole fiasco will be behind us


Heres the article on Iparenting, nicely written if i say so myself

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Books i recommend

For Those Interested in Druidic topics here is a starting list on some books i like, more to be added later

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Personal Attacks by The Drewbies

This week has been utterly to fucking funny for words. Recently i have been posting to Gavin and Yvonne Frosts blog The Dancing Wiccans, when out of the blue a poster called Archaeus Pops his nose into the mix. He trys to be eloquent in his speech but is really showing himself to be another example of a Drewbie pure and simple. On His blog Witches of Shadowlore myself and poster Pagan Temple have been attacked by this man . He has even gone so far as to put our links onto a supposed wall of shame.. Pedophile supporters.. Then in one fell swoop he has proven himself an idiot, He Calls me Homophobic and his buddy Brian calls me Gay. Does that make sense to anybody.. I didnt think so, But onto more pressing topics
Starting next Thursday , ill be beginning a 2 part interview with 2 Priestesses who have known Gavin and Yvonne Frost for many years. In these interviews there will be alot of light shed on issues being brought up by So Called Wiccan author Aj Drew , who plans to ritually murder the Frosts at his International Real Witches Ball in Columbus Ohio at Samhain.
To check out my interview go to www.shoutcast.com and download the winamp player. Once installed open the media library, scroll down to Shoutcast Radio and in the station search type in Pure Pagan Radio. My show runs from 7pm- 11pm central standard time. The Interview will start between 7- 730 pm. My shows run nightly so check it out. And Archaeus i may even talk a bit about you. Also id like to thank Deb Ravenswood , Pagan Temple, Ed Anderson , Fenix and anyone else ive forgotten, for making your voices heard on this issue. Not only will the Drewbies get the message but so will a larger portion of the Pagan community

Until my next post may the Old Gods Bless You

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

AJ DREW gets a taste of his own medicine

First i will post his blog , then i will give my take on it.This is going to be interesting

C.U.U.P.S., Pagan Pride, and Circle Sanctuary member conduct my murder in effigy.
Did you know that Jill Marie Combs, the Vice President of CUUPS (an organization I once respected greatly) who is also the Regional Coordinator of the Ohio Valley Pagan Pride Project Inc despises folk who use their First Amendment rights and creates effigies of them for the purpose of conducting human sacrifices with guns and dozens upon dozens of rounds of ammunition?
That’s right, us your First Amendment rights and apparently CUUPS and PPP officials will despise you and shoot at your effigy in a symbolic human sacrifice. What the hell? Have our leaders all gone mad?
As many of you know, I have been soliciting Pagan Pride Project inc. to stand against the distribution of what I believe to be a pedophilic instructional created by Gavin and Yvonne Frost. As Pagan Pride Project Inc. has stated that adult literature of any kind may not be distributed at its events and has included this in its statements of ethics, one would think that instructional on sexually initiating children into Wicca would be included and it would not be difficult for them to make such a decision.
But instead of considering the letters they have received, it seems as if at least one local coordinator of Pagan Pride Project incorporated has taken it upon herself to create an effigy and “firing 80 rounds into” that effigy. Although she did not name me specifically, I feel as if it is rather clear to members of the pagan community exactly what she intended. After all, I received a copy of this information from someone who read the statement and thought just that, that the woman is attacking me personally for asking that people express their opinions.
This local Pagan Pride coordinator does not seem interested in living in a country with holds freedom of speech as sacred. I called for folk to write letters to Pagan Pride and let their opinions be heard, to simply write and explain how we feel, to that she replies:
Jill Medicine Heart Combs / Jill Marie CombsVice President of Covenant of Unitarian Universalist PagansOhio Valley Regional Coordinator
“I despise Fundie Pagans who think that their First Amendment rights should infringe on how an organization should run—“
In fact, she solicited the support of members of the Pagan Spirit Gathering Email list, a function of Circle Sanctuary. (Yes, I did say Circle Sanctuary) to help her with her magickal attacks on those folk expressing themselves via email or perhaps myself specifically. She later thanked them in a following email to the Circle Sanctuary email list.
“Thank you everyone for your support in some serious magickal workings that have been occurring over an issue that is dear to my heart, Pagan Pride. I had to reach into some deep dark recesses and call upon a few dark forces to help me out– This isn’t my normal kind of magick to perform either– but dammit, you don’t muck with my pagan family!”
This being recorded at:
Google Cach of a blog post with the quotes
Note that this is a cache version from Google.
The original post was at http://fortitudeofspirit.blogspot.com/2007/08/attacking-of-effigies.html
The blog has since deleted the post, presumably because it does not want the world to know what the leaders of these organizations are up to in a very similar way most folk do not want you to know what Gavin and Yvonne Frost wrote. I am thus despised by folk such as this for wanting you to know the truth.
The blogger who wrote this claims I have said I want to burn the Frosts in effigy. I have never made such a statement. He says he thinks that the matter of Gavin and Yvonne Frost should be discussed as mature adults. I have asked people to write to Pagan Pride and express their opinions. I believe I have done exactly as this blogger has asked. I have asked folk to discuss it. This is how C.U.U.P.S, Pagan Pride, and Circle Sanctuary members respond to my request for discussion?
As it seems Pagan Pride Project local coordinators resort to using firearms, the killing of effigies, and references to jar spells (usually a reference to capturing a person’s soul) against me or other folk who simply asked for emails to be sent expressing their opinions, I am now disgusted by Pagan Pride Project Incorporated.
What has happened to my beautiful pagan community of activists and folk who welcomed discussion and social reform? Do we now respond to emails which include since concerns about our children with death threats? Do we now demand that the First Amendment is an annoyance?
This is the Vice president of C.U.U.P.S. Not a local cups, but the International Incorporation.This is a local coordinator of the Ohio Valley Pagan Pride Project. Not some rogue event.This is how Circle Sanctuary’s email list is being used, to attack folk for writing emails.
What the hell?
The first email reportedly reads:
Subject: Please light a candle for me on Thursday NIGHT!
I cannot go into details, but I am doing some serious magickal work to help protect our Pagan Pride International as we are under attack. I am also working on doing some magickal work to help protect those who are joining in on this attack on Pagan Pride. I wish I could go into details, but this is a matter of urgency to protect the name of a organization that has done good for you for over 10 years!
Please help protect me during this ritual.
Jill Medicine Heart CombsOhio Valley Regional Coordinator
The Second email reportedly reads:
Subject: The rituals are done —
Thank you everyone for your support in some serious magickal workings that have been occurring over an issue that is dear to my heart, Pagan Pride. I had to reach into some deep dark recesses and call upon a few dark forces to help me out– This isn’t my normal kind of magick to perform either– but dammit, you don’t muck with my pagan family!
I despise Fundie Pagans who think that their First Amendment rights should infringe on how an organization should run–
Lets put it this way— my first ritual consisted on firing 80 rounds into a target that I created as an effigy of sorts. If this fundie pagan wants to play with effigy’s, I can too dammit.
The only damndable thing about this and the witches bottle I created for Phase Three– I had to sacrifice a jarfull of pickles so I could have a jar to work with!
I will protect the organizations that I am run with– anyone EVER threatens them with anything the warrioress is coming out and she’s pissed! — Be it Pagan Pride, Circle, Military Pagan Network, Robin’s Hood Community Center, CUUPS or anything other organization I am connected to. And, if anyone has a beef with me (unlike this fundie pagan who won’t come right out and say anything to me publicly) then you need to take up with me and me alone.
I love you all! Thank you for the candlelightings, the angels, and whatever else you sent for protection– you are the most wonderful group of people I have ever come across. You are truly my extended family.
Bless you all for your help!
Jill Medicine Heart Combs
So mote it be,A.J. Drew
Topics: De-Frost - Child Molestion
2 Responses to “C.U.U.P.S., Pagan Pride, and Circle Sanctuary member conduct my murder in effigy.”
Rhiannon Says: September 4th, 2007 at 10:26 pm
AjI just don’t know what to say. It makes me wonder if I want to become an Athist (sp). No religion at all is better than this kind of stuff. It would also be nice if people are going to write about this “effigy” thing they would get their info right.
BTW I think Jill Medicineheart has been removed as coordinator
http://www.paganpride.org/where/ohiovalley.htmlOhio Valley
Interim Regional Coordinator
Raven SpiritEmail him at ravenspirit70@hotmail.com for more information.
A.J. Drew Says: September 4th, 2007 at 11:25 pm
It does look as if PPP has removed her from her possition. I have written to the Interim Regional Coordinator asking not only if it is due to here seeming desire to have me murdered, but if so why was an apology not imediatly provided.
Fact: She is talking about sympathetic magick as in like attracts like. So she is attempting to bring about my murder via firearm.
Fact: She is doing so in clear retribution for my asking folk to write letters, use their First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech.
Fact: She remains the Vice President of CUUPS. Not a local CUUPS. She is the Vice president of the National Organization.
She was clear that she felt I was attacking Pagan Pride Project by encouraging folk to use Freedom of Speech, not for anything else I have ever done and said. This is just WRONG.
Our leaders are just WRONG. What the hell is happening to our community? Who the hell are these people? Where the hell are they comming from?

NOW , for my take on this. First off AJ DREW is crying that someone would dare to ritually murder him YET at his Real Witches Ball he intends to RITUALLY MURDER the Frosts. Kind of a double standard huh AJ. Also did you not stop to think that by harassing Pagan Pride Project that it wouldnt piss people off. No Aj you didnt think, your to busy trying to save the world from the Big Bad Frosts. Well OUR Pagan community is tired of you AJ DREW , we are the people who need to be saved FROM you not BY you. So if Hexes and effigys and little voodoo dolls are made in your likeness dont cry.. Deal with it because you have brought this upon yourself. And to the woman who shot your effigy i say KUDOS altho i wouldnt have shot it . i would have burnt it or something . But that was your choice. And to those reading this thinking what about harm none. I say this i am a Druid and i dont follow the rede. If one such as Aj Drew attacks those i care about then i attack back with great gusto. So now its your turn.. tell me what You think about this

Friday, August 31, 2007

Gonna try this feature

President apologizes to wiccan Widow

President Bush apologized to the widow of Patrick Stewart the man whos death gave after a long fight military personal the right to have the symbol of the pentacle placed upon there grave markers. For Bush to apologize is like Twinkies finally becoming healthy for you. He apologized for not inviting her to an event in which the rest of her family was invited. This being from the man who says.. Paganism and Wicca is not a valid Religious path. Makes me wonder how much coke he snorted just to get up the nads to call Mrs Stewart. Now we need our presidential candidates to realize there are more voters in america than just the religious right

AJ DREW.. a man with a vendetta

Aj Drew author of Wicca for Men , and Wicca for Couples is a man with a vendetta. Why is this so. Personally i believe its to gain himself attention. Attention he craves. He has the nerve to accuse 2 of the pillars of the Pagan community of child molestation, rape, and just about anything else he can come up with. He threatens to ritually sacrifice effigys of them at his alledged Real Witches Ball . His stated goal is to oust them from our Pagan community. Yet with all his incoherent ramblings he has YET to prove any of his claims. His proof is in postings found at wikipedia.com. He relys on second hand heresay accounts of indiscretions by unreliable so called pagan sources. Yet with the fervor of a fanatic he plods forward in his crusade. He has even resorted to turning long time friends of the Frosts against them .Well this Pagan is fed up with this agenda of lies perpetrated by Aj Drew and his minions. Aj you need to stop this insanity before YOU yourself end up on the recieving end of all the negativity you are putting out in this matter.Plus people are seriously getting tired of your whining. UNTIL you come up with any SERIOUS evidences of what you claim against the Frosts . You will be regarded as nothing more than a kook with a brain injury