Friday, August 31, 2007

Gonna try this feature

President apologizes to wiccan Widow

President Bush apologized to the widow of Patrick Stewart the man whos death gave after a long fight military personal the right to have the symbol of the pentacle placed upon there grave markers. For Bush to apologize is like Twinkies finally becoming healthy for you. He apologized for not inviting her to an event in which the rest of her family was invited. This being from the man who says.. Paganism and Wicca is not a valid Religious path. Makes me wonder how much coke he snorted just to get up the nads to call Mrs Stewart. Now we need our presidential candidates to realize there are more voters in america than just the religious right

AJ DREW.. a man with a vendetta

Aj Drew author of Wicca for Men , and Wicca for Couples is a man with a vendetta. Why is this so. Personally i believe its to gain himself attention. Attention he craves. He has the nerve to accuse 2 of the pillars of the Pagan community of child molestation, rape, and just about anything else he can come up with. He threatens to ritually sacrifice effigys of them at his alledged Real Witches Ball . His stated goal is to oust them from our Pagan community. Yet with all his incoherent ramblings he has YET to prove any of his claims. His proof is in postings found at He relys on second hand heresay accounts of indiscretions by unreliable so called pagan sources. Yet with the fervor of a fanatic he plods forward in his crusade. He has even resorted to turning long time friends of the Frosts against them .Well this Pagan is fed up with this agenda of lies perpetrated by Aj Drew and his minions. Aj you need to stop this insanity before YOU yourself end up on the recieving end of all the negativity you are putting out in this matter.Plus people are seriously getting tired of your whining. UNTIL you come up with any SERIOUS evidences of what you claim against the Frosts . You will be regarded as nothing more than a kook with a brain injury