Monday, October 13, 2008

Republican Fascism Things that Make you go What The Fuck

I normally dont post on political subjects.. but as a a pagan its my duty to SPEAK OUT and decry what i see as being fucked up. Call me a leftist, ill take that cigar and smoke it proudly. To be a liberal Democrat, over a neo con or a fascist Republican, Well i REFUSE to goose step with Der Furhers Mccain Palin, or Bush. So you make the call,and this guy on the video kinda says what i wish i could say

Will She overturn Roe Versus Wade

I really think that if Falin Palin gets in and the Repubs get that STACKED bench they so crave, that yes Virginia Roe V WADE will be overturned. I never knew Hitler was a woman. But its looking like it more each day

Mccain on Deregulation