Monday, October 13, 2008

Republican Fascism Things that Make you go What The Fuck

I normally dont post on political subjects.. but as a a pagan its my duty to SPEAK OUT and decry what i see as being fucked up. Call me a leftist, ill take that cigar and smoke it proudly. To be a liberal Democrat, over a neo con or a fascist Republican, Well i REFUSE to goose step with Der Furhers Mccain Palin, or Bush. So you make the call,and this guy on the video kinda says what i wish i could say

1 comment:

SecondComingOfBast said...

Maryland is a leftist, Democratic Party controlled state, by the way, and they control the reins of power there from the majority of their House of Representatives members, both US Senators, on down through to the executive branch of state government, the House of Delegates, and the judiciary. Wow, I guess that means they have the most influence over the state police.

Cook County Illinois, home of the Obamasiah, is also a Democratic Party stronghold of long years duration. Ever hear of the Daily Machine? It's also where a significant percentage of the mortgages in question were garnered through Obama on behalf of ACORN, who are under investigation for a slew of illegal activities.

I have no doubt they, ACORN, constitute a large percentage of the property owners not paying their mortgages and causing their poor tenants to face eviction.

You'd better be careful smoking that leftist cigar, it's liable to blow up in your face one of these days. I think it just did.