Wednesday, March 16, 2022

A Story of Greenleaf Coven part 2-Pagan people, Drumming and Coven rituals

 Hello and Welcome to the next installment on my Journey into Witchcraft with Greenleaf. About a week after the first Beltain in which i met the coven i was invited for the following week to a coven drummng at the Covenstead for Greenleaf. i remember riding with Steve Lyons to Ambers house. the thing that struck me most was the house and how it set back from the street , and setting out on the front porch was a 5 foot Iron Pentacle. Note at this time i had no clue what a pentacle even was. We knocked on the door and within a few seconds i heard the barking of what sounded to several dogs, Amber soon opened the door.

We were early so the only ones who were there were Amber, Jay. Kate , Shamash . Michael and Shea. Roaming through the house was Ambers large Akita named Jim. Soon others arrived. Cypriani. Soj, and some other folks as well . Amber offered her dumbeks and some other drums and noise makers for people to play. The living room had a couch. a big Greenish piano , and on one wall was a large handmade Ankh.

Soon the drumming started and this being my first i was amazed at the feeling of energy that came over the room. Kate and Amber started singing various chants and songs.. It was this day that i indeed learned i was a Jolly Happy Pagan. it was so fun and inviting. i wanted to learn more about being pagan and wiccan for sure.

As time progressed i was invited to rituals at the Covenstead, and rituals drummings and meditations in other peoples homes and public locations. It was during this period that i started to understand Magickal energy more. Rituals priested by Amber and Shamash in the Circle in Ambers back yard were some of the most powerful i ever attended. its great to be all fun but sometimes the rituals were just so transformative. You went home knowing some deep connections were made with the Coven, the Gods and spirits of time and place. There are moments in these rituals i will never forget.

As this was happening my hunger to learn was growing i sought out books and literature that told me more about paganism , Witchcraft. and the psychic abilities Witches worked with. I STILL am learning and growing everyday.

Coming in the next installment we will talk about The Spider, The Pagan Pagan show , and Classes on the square. plus we talk more about the people of the Coven. and its friends

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