Monday, October 7, 2013

Pagan Bookshelf Essentials #1 Drawing Down The Moon

People often ask me, what in my opinion is one book that a new pagan or occultist should read to learn about the history, philosophy, and beliefs of many of the Pagan traditions in America, and around the world. Well here is the book, Drawing Down the Moon, written by Margot Adler. Published and released the same day as Starhawks, 'The Spiral Dance". Margot Adler is also a radio Personality, on National Public Radio's , All things considered. This book has gone thru many revisions over the years, and it is constantly being reviewed and added to.Which is good because our communities are growing all around the world.My very first forays into the occult bookstores i used to frequent some 20 years ago, this and some books by Scott Cunningham were my First purchase. I was hungry to learn of the many traditions of the Craft, and various other Pagan groups. Its a big book, my copy weighs in at 584 pages. Covering topics such as.,Magick and Ritual,Women, Feminism,and The Craft, The Pagan World View.Reconstructionism, Church of All Worlds, and so forth and so on. Margot treats each topic fairly, taking the time to research, and meet people face to face. Which some authors very rarely take the time to actually put in the leg work, also being an Alexandrian priestess and a woman who was able to get in and interview people who might not have otherwise wanted to share of there traditions with others, Mrs Adler indeed had her work cut out for her. I especially like her work in defining and bringing to light the fledgling Pagan Festival Movement.So whenever someone asks, Where should i start. I ALWAYS start with this book. it will continue to be an invaluable resource for Pagans, Wiccans, and Occultists of all kinds. my questions to the readers of this blog, Do you have a copy of this book , and what are your opinions about it. Leave me a comment . And look for more Pagan Bookshelf

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