A place were i will make my thoughts and feelings known on various topics of pagan interest
Saturday, October 27, 2007
This is some of THE MOST disgusting images i have ever seen from so called PAGANS
This is outrageous these are some of the sickest fucking people. I curse them for doing this. They are happy to be a part of something so utterly evil.These are the people hiding among you the so called Leaders and spiritually enlightened of modern paganism. They are barbaric . AJ DREW there demonic leader doesnt give a rats ass about them..only as long as they follow, THIS MAN MUST BE STOPPED. i cannot believe this.
How can these people even claim to be Pagan? How horrible. This looks like something a vigilante group or a supremacist group might do, not people that are supposed to be living in harmony with the Earth and the Gods and Goddesses. I feel so sorry for anyone participating in this. How terrible must their lives be that they need to degrade other human beings in this manner?
I think it's pretty fucking weak myself. It started out they were going to "sacrifice" them in effigy. It went from burning them, or whatever, to this?
See, they knew the pagan community by and large would not sanction their original plans. How many people walked out on this when the news of it first was released?
Donald Michael Craig is one I can think of off the top of my head, and I know there were at least two others.
So, AJ Drew was in a bind. He was too stubborn and arrogant to back out of the thing completely, he knew he had to do something, so his little pea brain came up with this "solution".
Well, so that seems to be the case, they molested the Frosts in effigy. Therefore, that's what they are, a bunch of people that molested a couple of old people.
What's that they say about negative, harmful magic. It comes back to you times three, right?
All right, in his last post, Archaeus has an image of you I guess at the beginning of your YouTube video. He starts off saying the following-
"ignorant asinine self prescribed mouth piece for the Frosts is now spreading his deranged lunatic verbal assault and perverse logic against myself and author A.J Drew by video"
and that's all he really says about you, other than saying he would rather watch Fox News debating members of The Westboro Baptist Church.
He goes on from there and doesn't mention you again, he just talks about some web-site that had something to do with a pedophile ring that was supposedly setting up pedophiles to date young girls or something, and goes on to say that this is the reason he is so against the Good Withes Bible and that kind of stuff.
He's probably blocked you because he is worried about you complaining about him having your image on his site, like he complained about me putting his image on my site.
He did though put a link up to your YouTube video. I'm surprised really that he did that, considering some of his other petulant childishness.
Please provide proof of your statement,Aerohstotle. Speaking as a child of the Seventies whose parents were involved with the Frosts, I was not "exploited," "deflowered," or anything else by the Frosts, my parents or anyone else.
Just once, I'd like to see some flippin' proof instead of a bunch of accusations.
Any book that encourages parents to create phallic icons in an attempt to better prepare their daughters for intercourse with an adult is exploiting a child.
Aerostootle instead of towing the line of Der Fuhrer Aj Drew learn to differentiate.. FACT from Conjecture.. WRITING ABOUT SOMETHING..is not TANTAMOUNT TO DOING IT.. i could writea book saying i shot JFK doesnt mean i did.. When are you sheep going to learn
Shadowhawk, I have never said that the Frosts have molested children, however by them printing that smut and labeling it Wicca, not only has it gave people the wrong idea of Pagans, but it has promoted the idea of molesting children in the name of religion.
For example, if I wrote book outlining the process in which to make a bomb, it would be condoning that practice.
It amazes me how someone can turn their back protecting children as a religious endeavor. You make me sick buddy.
If there was something to protect children from, that would be different. If someone is so weak-minded as to think they should carry through with the acts in the book, then they will use any excuse to harm their children. If we start dictating what should and should not be in print, we need to rewrite the First Amendment. It was an unfortunate passage that was written before you were born and until all this brouhaha started, it had all but disappeared into anonimity. What would have happened if it had just sank into the abyss, without all this fuss and bother? The book most likely will not be in print much longer as it is, and you can't go around removing it from all the books that are already in print.
For the record, that was not the ritual which was a secret even to real witches ball people. I did not attend that ritual and do not know about, which is why I did not do anything but stand there in the photo... as asked.
I do not actually know the Frosts and do think there are better ways to fight injustice then effigy stuff although the passages AJ quotes are a reason not to sell their product and get other people to do the same.
Other people who paid for the event should be able to get the teachings and information they need despite any disagreements people had with AJ. There were good classes, people learned and grew, and this focuses only on one aspect to create the spin that people want to create.
Pentilian, I understand not everyone agrees with Drew and his methods, and for that I am grateful. His motives may seem of good intent, but I do question his methods. Please understand that from our end of it, it looks like this whole thing was geared by Drew, orchestrated by Drew, and he's pushing people to declare the Frosts pedophiles and rapists, despite evidence to the contrary. As for the event in Ohio, again, we haven't heard anything about it except for the description that Drew himself gave on the Frosts' blog about the desecration of the effigies. If we knew more about it and the people involved, that might be helpful to everyone, but unfortunately, all we hear is accusations, hate, and basically a bunch of crap. It's the same way with the Frosts - if we all base our decisions on one piece of information, how much accuracy can there really be?
There shouldnt have been any effogys in the First place.. This isa modern age.. The Witch birnings are over.. Yet evidently not For Drew.. His beloved mentor, which by the way seems smarter than Drew Ray Buckland even told him there are better ways to handle things. But Drew doesnt care as long as his ego is fed daily.Accusation , heresay,innuendo and lies isall Drew has..And you can agree or disagree with what was written in the Witches Bible..its still protected speech.. If Drew isso Gung Ho, he needs to go to the Courts.. But seeing as Drew is nothing more than a self agrandizing coward he will never do it. Im sure The Real Witches Ball had other good things going on But DREWS sacrifice basically reduced it all to a Dog n Pony show
I do agree with your courts option, but now you are getting to a personality issue. I agree with the effigy comment. There are better ways to handle it, that I already conceded intially.
However, there was good done at this event at least the people who showed at my classes got something out of it.
They paid money to come and get something out of it or because they still had friends there, not needfully for the Effigy process which was my basic take too for staying on and presenting. Many of the people still came because they get things out of the RWB, not because AJ was doing an effigy.
I have a few questions. Where were they going to burn the effigy? The Sacrifice to caring took place inside the hotel. Was the hotel going to let them burn them inside in a banquet hall?
If we knew more about it and the people involved, that might be helpful to everyone
To this one. The majority of the people who took part in this, where people who had been sexually asulted in their life, the police, and the EMS personel who responded to their calls for help.
How can these people even claim to be Pagan? How horrible. This looks like something a vigilante group or a supremacist group might do, not people that are supposed to be living in harmony with the Earth and the Gods and Goddesses. I feel so sorry for anyone participating in this. How terrible must their lives be that they need to degrade other human beings in this manner?
I think it's pretty fucking weak myself. It started out they were going to "sacrifice" them in effigy. It went from burning them, or whatever, to this?
See, they knew the pagan community by and large would not sanction their original plans. How many people walked out on this when the news of it first was released?
Donald Michael Craig is one I can think of off the top of my head, and I know there were at least two others.
So, AJ Drew was in a bind. He was too stubborn and arrogant to back out of the thing completely, he knew he had to do something, so his little pea brain came up with this "solution".
Well, so that seems to be the case, they molested the Frosts in effigy. Therefore, that's what they are, a bunch of people that molested a couple of old people.
What's that they say about negative, harmful magic. It comes back to you times three, right?
So mote it be!
Also Raven Grimassi An Moura of the Green Witchcraft Books and several other Lewellyn authors
All right, in his last post, Archaeus has an image of you I guess at the beginning of your YouTube video. He starts off saying the following-
"ignorant asinine self prescribed mouth piece for the Frosts is now spreading his deranged lunatic verbal assault and perverse logic against myself and author A.J Drew by video"
and that's all he really says about you, other than saying he would rather watch Fox News debating members of The Westboro Baptist Church.
He goes on from there and doesn't mention you again, he just talks about some web-site that had something to do with a pedophile ring that was supposedly setting up pedophiles to date young girls or something, and goes on to say that this is the reason he is so against the Good Withes Bible and that kind of stuff.
He's probably blocked you because he is worried about you complaining about him having your image on his site, like he complained about me putting his image on my site.
He did though put a link up to your YouTube video. I'm surprised really that he did that, considering some of his other petulant childishness.
Using paper mache representations of two evil people in a ritual is nothing compared to the exploitation of children promoted by the Frosts.
Please provide proof of your statement,Aerohstotle. Speaking as a child of the Seventies whose parents were involved with the Frosts, I was not "exploited," "deflowered," or anything else by the Frosts, my parents or anyone else.
Just once, I'd like to see some flippin' proof instead of a bunch of accusations.
Any book that encourages parents to create phallic icons in an attempt to better prepare their daughters for intercourse with an adult is exploiting a child.
Find a victim.
Yo, Shadowhawk, heads up.
I'm going to borrow your pics and do a post. I'll put a link to you on it.
Aerostootle instead of towing the line of Der Fuhrer Aj Drew learn to differentiate.. FACT from Conjecture.. WRITING ABOUT SOMETHING..is not TANTAMOUNT TO DOING IT.. i could writea book saying i shot JFK doesnt mean i did.. When are you sheep going to learn
Shadowhawk, I have never said that the Frosts have molested children, however by them printing that smut and labeling it Wicca, not only has it gave people the wrong idea of Pagans, but it has promoted the idea of molesting children in the name of religion.
For example, if I wrote book outlining the process in which to make a bomb, it would be condoning that practice.
It amazes me how someone can turn their back protecting children as a religious endeavor. You make me sick buddy.
If there was something to protect children from, that would be different. If someone is so weak-minded as to think they should carry through with the acts in the book, then they will use any excuse to harm their children. If we start dictating what should and should not be in print, we need to rewrite the First Amendment. It was an unfortunate passage that was written before you were born and until all this brouhaha started, it had all but disappeared into anonimity. What would have happened if it had just sank into the abyss, without all this fuss and bother? The book most likely will not be in print much longer as it is, and you can't go around removing it from all the books that are already in print.
What exactly is the goal here?
For the record, that was not the ritual which was a secret even to real witches ball people. I did not attend that ritual and do not know about, which is why I did not do anything but stand there in the photo... as asked.
I do not actually know the Frosts and do think there are better ways to fight injustice then effigy stuff although the passages AJ quotes are a reason not to sell their product and get other people to do the same.
Other people who paid for the event should be able to get the teachings and information they need despite any disagreements people had with AJ. There were good classes, people learned and grew, and this focuses only on one aspect to create the spin that people want to create.
Pentilian, I understand not everyone agrees with Drew and his methods, and for that I am grateful. His motives may seem of good intent, but I do question his methods. Please understand that from our end of it, it looks like this whole thing was geared by Drew, orchestrated by Drew, and he's pushing people to declare the Frosts pedophiles and rapists, despite evidence to the contrary. As for the event in Ohio, again, we haven't heard anything about it except for the description that Drew himself gave on the Frosts' blog about the desecration of the effigies. If we knew more about it and the people involved, that might be helpful to everyone, but unfortunately, all we hear is accusations, hate, and basically a bunch of crap. It's the same way with the Frosts - if we all base our decisions on one piece of information, how much accuracy can there really be?
For the record, I did teach classes there and was in one of those pictures, again the one where I just stood there.
Why I did the ball is simple, people deserve to be empowered and thats exactly what happened at all my classes regardless of anything else.
There shouldnt have been any effogys in the First place.. This isa modern age.. The Witch birnings are over.. Yet evidently not For Drew.. His beloved mentor, which by the way seems smarter than Drew Ray Buckland even told him there are better ways to handle things. But Drew doesnt care as long as his ego is fed daily.Accusation , heresay,innuendo and lies isall Drew has..And you can agree or disagree with what was written in the Witches Bible..its still protected speech.. If Drew isso Gung Ho, he needs to go to the Courts.. But seeing as Drew is nothing more than a self agrandizing coward he will never do it. Im sure The Real Witches Ball had other good things going on But DREWS sacrifice basically reduced it all to a Dog n Pony show
I do agree with your courts option, but now you are getting to a personality issue. I agree with the effigy comment. There are better ways to handle it, that I already conceded intially.
However, there was good done at this event at least the people who showed at my classes got something out of it.
They paid money to come and get something out of it or because they still had friends there, not needfully for the Effigy process which was my basic take too for staying on and presenting. Many of the people still came because they get things out of the RWB, not because AJ was doing an effigy.
It went from burning them, or whatever, to this?
I have a few questions. Where were they going to burn the effigy? The Sacrifice to caring took place inside the hotel. Was the hotel going to let them burn them inside in a banquet hall?
If we knew more about it and the people involved, that might be helpful to everyone
To this one. The majority of the people who took part in this, where people who had been sexually asulted in their life, the police, and the EMS personel who responded to their calls for help.
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